Experts warn that the hair needs intensifies during winter Care. Low temperature, wind, humidity – slight testing Scalp and hair.
Some tips on how to care for hair in the cold season:
1. Try to use a hair dryer less often. Loss of moisture –
One of the main problems. This affects not only the more frequent
Indoor air, temperature change. To
To prevent dry hair, it is preferable to dry the hair naturally and
It is inevitable – as we breathe in the air stream. It will take a little longer to
But so the hair will be less hurted.
2. Choose the right hair care products for the cold season. As
Seasonality seen in our cupboard, as well as hair care has its own
Patterns. In the cold season, choose a more nourishing than moisturised
Measures. Use nutrient-enriched substances more often
Masks, bales, hair oil.
3. Do not forget the natural fiber headgear. Frost, Wind
Narrowing the blood vessels of the scalp. This slows down the
blood flow, and then the hair bulbs are less well supplied with food
Materials. Hair is weakened, it dries, can start scrolling. So cap
– An accessory that protects your hair from harmful environmental effects.
4. If you paint your hair, try to visit your hair stylistist before
Šalčius. Hair Coloring – considerable stress on the hair while the cold air,
Temperature changes are further reinforced.